You Are What You Eat!

When was the last time you left a conference room feeling refreshed? Can you recall a time you struggled to stay awake during a presentation? Both are common problems affecting the efficiency of meetings, but how can businesses combat these issues? Planning ahead, factoring in healthy catering and making sure there is space and time to take breaks is key. Bien Venue would like to give you the full low down on how to create the perfect event to not only to keep your delegates engaged without feeling tired but also enable them to leave feeling refreshed, energised and talking about how unique the event was.

When the afternoon hits and we reach for that third or fourth cup of coffee, it’s easy to overlook the full impact of the foods we choose. But being selective about what we consume is crucial because as the saying goes, you are what you eat!

What’s on the menu?

At a meeting or an event, sluggish delegates won’t be very productive, and neither will a sluggish event planner.  Here are the best foods for reinforcing focus, memory, energy and an upbeat mood. The next time you’re choosing an event menu, keep in mind these all-star ingredients. Plus, they can help with day-to-day energy levels too.


They promote healthy blood flow, which means good flow to the brain. This helps us think and improves general cognitive function. Avocados also contain vitamin K, folate and potassium—all known to help improve brainpower.


Berries, oranges, apples and bananas

Natural sugars found in fruit will curb cravings and recharge stamina. Blue berries are chock-full of antioxidants and believed to establish healthy connections between brain cells. Oranges and apples are known to improve short-term memory and prevent memory loss. Bananas provide plenty of potassium, which helps nerve cells respond.

Fruits are great for snacks and desserts. It’s easy to sneak them into salads, as well. Just be careful of dried fruits, as they generally cancel out the benefits.

Dark chocolate

As with all good things, dark chocolate is very healthy when eaten in moderation. It has the right amount of sugar for a boost but not one as sharp as its sugary counterpart, milk chocolate. It can ease stress, and compounds in dark chocolate boost memory, attention span, reaction time and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain. Dark chocolate is a perfect dessert component to wrap up an event.



Not only are they rich in protein, but they also have high amounts of vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, selenium and lutein. Plus, they are a source of choline, which is thought to help with cognition. Eggs can be hard-boiled and thrown in a salad or used at a breakfast station.



High in protein and healthy fats, and very versatile for cooking, nuts are great for an event menu. Macadamia nuts contribute to normal brain function, while almonds help restore memory. Walnuts also support memory retention and have anti-inflammatory properties.


Oily fish

Even though oily isn’t a term typically associated with healthy foods, fish is the one exception. Salmon, mackerel and kippers are all high in omega-3 fats, providing a major cognitive lift.



There’s a reason this grain has exploded in popularity over the last few years.  Quinoa holds more protein than any other grain and it’s rich in amino acids. It can almost always replace rice, but it will keep you full much longer.

More than biscuits…

How about also offering guilt free snack at your event. Many of us instinctively reach for a sugary biscuit with our mid-morning coffee, because it’s convenient and fills an energy-starved hole. Encourage delegates to take the healthy option by make your snacks attractive. Cups of bite-sized fresh fruit can provide a refreshing welcome snack along-side a delicious fruit smoothie or low sugar energy juice.

Hydration stations

Always consider having several hydration stations in your break out areas. These can consist of your usual teas and coffees but also treat your delegates to herbal teas and lemon or mint water. It is critical to have efficient staff at your events, that will continuously replenish your stations to ensure everyone is well hydrated throughout the day.

Get moving

No matter how interesting your event is everyone will get tired if they are sitting at a conference or workshop all day. Getting people moving during ice-breakers is an easy way to incorporate physical activity. Choosing a venue with large grounds or offering guided city walks can be a great incentive to get people active during breaks. The key is to make exercise a choice and researching your delegates preference before arrival will give you an idea of the type of well-being activities they might be most open to. For example, if you are looking for something topical, 2018 is a celebration of 250 years of circus across the UK! So what better time to add something fun like a half-hour juggling workshop or a balancing game between seminars.

Factor in down-time

When it comes to well-being, food and fitness are obvious considerations, but they are not the only ones. Rest and relaxation are just as important. Facilitating downtime can be as simple as providing a quiet, tech- free zone. Other popular options include yoga and meditation in break out rooms or creating a chill out zone offering 15 minute neck and shoulder messages.

At your service…

Our team of knowledgeable venue consultants will always consider the above ideas for your event as well as opting for rooms with natural light. Through experience we have found that by selecting rooms with natural day light it will reduce tiredness and boost productivity.

Please feel free to drop us an email if you are looking for recommendations for creating the perfect health and well-being meeting or event. We are always happy to help!