Event Management

Does your event need an expert touch? Bien Venue’s event management team has been organising global events since 1996.

Instant venue search – Meeting & Events

What does Event Management mean to us?

We view event management as any part of the planning process from conception to delivery. It’s not just the onsite event management we specialise in, but also pre-planning, logistics, and post-event. Plus, our flexible approach means you can pick and choose which of our services you would like to use. So, with every event tailored to your needs, we can be as hands-on as you like.

Our event management is a chargeable service, and we are committed to clear planning and pricing from the outset. This clarity means we exceed your expectations, not your budget!

Benefits of using Bien Venue

  • Fully understood event goals delivered to the highest professional standards by event management specialists 
  • Independent venue finding services
  • A personalised approach to all your requirements
  • Strong negotiating skills to obtain the best value on price, cancellation policies and terms and conditions
  • Reduced administration costs and improved cash flow with our centralised billing service, also known as bill-back
  • Understanding and management of your costs and budgets via our post-event management information
  • Ease of doing business – one point of contact to source and manage all third-party event suppliers on your behalf

Event Management
– The BV Way

For any event, the first thing we master is your event objectives, considering anything that has or hasn’t worked well for you before.

Then comes our creativity through your event theming and design.

We handle all the logistics and arrange any marketing initiatives if you need them. And our team liaises with suppliers and speakers, managing every little detail for you. Need somewhere for your delegates to stay? We can sort that, too – to keep the entire process as stress-free as possible.

Your Own Event Manager

You will have a dedicated Bien Venue Event Manager, who will become a critical member of your event planning team, with invaluable experience and knowledge during the months leading up to your event. Your Event Manager will support you at every stage with sound decision-making and a calm, personal approach.

We will build a detailed event project plan to support regular calls and team meetings to ensure we – and your other chosen event suppliers – meet all key milestones to keep your event on track in all areas.

Do you need an extra pair of hands?

As well as taking care of bookings, transportation, and any special requirements for your event, we can join you on the day(s) of your event. We can help ensure everything goes according to plan and that your team attains an invaluable injection of energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration.

Centralised Billing

Our centralised billing system can save hundreds of hours of your own business time and delivers real cash flow benefits. Our system allows the processing and payment of supplier invoices, and the production of monthly or weekly invoices or statements.

Whether it’s for events, meetings, team building or corporate entertainment, centralised billing can be the ideal way for you to manage budgets.

Management Information

Detailed business intelligence data regarding your events is readily available at Bien Venue. You can access this management information for complete visibility of all collective event spend.

The spend includes accommodation, event production, AV, food and beverage, syndicate room space and a breakdown of delegate spend. And we provide a detailed itemisation of spending by venue, location, cost, and duration of stay. We can also include total savings made by negotiated cancellation and non-arrival. You can access as much or as little information as you need!

Client Testimonials

Before your event

When you choose to use Bien Venue, you have a dedicated Event Manager as your point of contact throughout the process. They will begin by talking to you about your aims, objectives, and overall event messaging. We can then:

Source a venue

Attendee management

Venue liaison and management

Organise transportation and somewhere for attendees to stay

Act as first point of contact for any enquires related to the event

Help with the theme and branding of the event

Event & delegate logistics

Work with any necessary third party suppliers, speakers, comperes and all other types of entertainment

Source audio visual requirements

Provide project management expertise and a project plan

During the event

Your dedicated event management team will be on-site to ensure everything runs smoothly and you can enjoy your event. We can act as the main point of contact for attendees and delegates, look after VIPs, and liaise with suppliers, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers to ensure even the smallest detail is taken care of.

After your event

We hope you’ll deservedly have your feet up! Meanwhile, we will organise and process delegate evaluation questionnaires and a post-event debrief. We will provide access to final budget reporting and all management information alongside a single invoice for the whole event.

Bien Venue’s event management streamlines the whole process for you and your delegates, so contact us to discuss your next event.