How to survive the Christmas party season!

The festive season is full of parties and events, which is great but can also be draining, especially when the fun begins in late November and lasts until New Year’s Day. As event professionals we get our fair share of invitations at this time of year, not that we’re complaining! But it’s worth going into this time of year being mindful of your own wellness, otherwise you can get to Christmas Day already feeling a bit burnt out. So, with festive fun in full swing, here are a few tips from us on how to survive the Christmas party season!Two champagne glasses surrounded by Christmas decorations.

Be the designated driver

When Christmas events start coming around it can be tempting to, shall we say, over-indulge at all of them. Whether it’s at a friend’s house or enjoying corporate hospitality, the fizz is often flowing! But when you have multiple events in one week you can end up feeling groggy and lacklustre after one ‘cheers’ too many. Offering to be the designated driver for friends or colleagues is a great way to keep you alcohol intake in check. It will lively make you very popular too!

Stay hydrated 

This may seem like stating the obviously, but as we get busy with wrapping presents, seeing family and tying up loose ends at work before the holiday it can be easy to forget the basics. Drinking enough water will not only help your body clear out the extra toxins from those lunchtime mince pies; it will help you feel more alert and energised in general. And, of course, on those heavier nights, swapping out a glass of wine for water intermittently is something you’ll thank yourself for the next morning!

Go veggie (some of the time!)

If you’re attending a lot of dinners as part of your festive calendar, why not chose to the veggie/vegan option where possible, even if you are a meat eater? They are often lighter than the meat options and just offer a welcome change if things are getting a bit samey. Plus, this way you’re more likely to enjoy Turkey and all the trimmings on Christmas Day itself.

Delegate the fun!

If you’re in senior manager and your diary is filling up, why not pass on an invitation or too to a member of staff who has excelled. You will be the best to judge which events you have to attend in person and which you could send a representative too. It’s a great way to reward hard-working staff and keep yourself from being ‘overstacked’ with December functions.

Say no

Invitations piling up? To-do list ever-extending? Well at this time of year it’s important to remember that it’s okay to say no. We realise that there are some corporate obligations you have to fulfil but Christmas is meant to be a time of fun and good cheer! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or tired, it’s okay to say so! Have a weekend at home, people will more than likely understand. Giving yourself the gift of rest once in a while is just as important as ‘making an appearance’ at various Christmas events.


Whatever you’re doing this month, we hope these tips will not only help you survive the Christmas party season but thrive, and enter 2019 will your energy intact!