Determined to be more organised? Time to reflect on that New Year resolution

January 1st may seem like only yesterday, but now we’re one month into 2018, it’s a good time to consider how well you’ve been doing with that New Year’s resolution to be more organised. If you’ve fallen a little by the wayside, here are our 4 top tips to get you back on track.

Keep your diary up to date

Did you spend time at the start of the year making sure that all those key dates for 2018 such as training days, conferences, meetings and other events were added? Cross referencing with colleagues and organisational calendars can make sure your record is complete. Once up to date it’s important to spend the time necessary to keep it up to date. With a host of apps and online diaries to help do this on the go, minimal effort is required, just a determination to get it done.

Advance planning

‘Fail to plan – plan to fail’ is the often used phrase. Now is the time to be thinking ahead for events for Summer 2018 and beyond. Planning helps you to focus and prioritise on what needs to be done and how it can be achieved most effectively and efficiently. Get those important milestone dates in the diary so that everyone knows what needs doing and by when.

Monitor your goals & targets on a regular basis

Whatever goals and targets you set yourself at the start of the year, whether they be personal or business, regular monitoring of progress is vital. It’s well recognised that setting SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely – targets, which can readily be monitored, can help to achieve much bigger goals. Decide what do you want to achieve and what small steps you can take towards this achieving goal. Regular monitoring of these small steps will seem much less daunting than the bigger picture.

Reflect and evaluate against past performance

Reflective practice is not just about thinking or reflecting on what you’ve done but about learning from that experience i.e. thinking about what happened but also, more importantly, what would you do next time to improve. By taking time to evaluate what went well and what didn’t after each event you’ll be well on your way to improving your future event planning.

Proper organisation and forward planning is the secret to working smarter, not harder. Even so, we know that often there really aren’t enough hours in the day!

If Bien Venue could assist with your meeting and event organisation please contact our dedicated team at

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